The Very Good (Very Quality) Video-Viewing Machine has made the Front Page! Thank you all for choosing (on your own free will and with no chemically induced coercion) to view it and experience a one of a kind, custom made movie, tailored just for each and every one of you, individually. This means the world to me. I’m currently stuck in a deep, cavernous well-like structure that is dripping with a black tar substance and has risen exponentially in temperature. It is hard to tolerate for a moment longer but you have all made this, in its own right, a Very-Quality Experience™. My legs are surely a gelatinous material by now, however. It’s okay, don’t worry about it. It’s in the past and of no importance to me!
Thanks very much I love you all and also you know what, I am beginning to miss my legs in their previous solid-state. This might suck a whole lot, actually.
Here’s a little something from me to you, don’t tell nobody… xoxo