Wanted to drop in and express my gratitude to everybody here on Newgrounds. Thank you to everyone for watching and for the nice comments on Beautiful Day. It means so much and makes me feel like I’m doing something worthwhile instead of shameful and deeply deeply sinful. It’s just me alone making this junk in my apartment so to put it out and get a reception from you folks is really cool and makes the difference in me not being defined as a mental patient scratching pictures into the tile with his dirty fingernails.
I made a little behind the scenes at the end of this trailer if anyone wants to check it out. It’s a little bit of how some of the short was accomplished.
Something not shown is that I bought a disposable camera from the drugstore and took photos all around my neighborhood behind buildings, in fenced off construction sites, and run down store fronts. I also snapped some pictures of my dumb face. I used all these photos in the collage for the short. There’s a good bit of stop motion, traditional hand drawn, and digital painting in there too. Basically the whole thing was spawned from a time where I was shuffling around every day baking in the hot sun on what was by all means a beautiful day and feeling like a different part of my body was completely failing and collapsing into ruin. Boy what a bunch of heath problems and a hot sun will do for ya.
Thanks very much again. I’m looking forward to sharing more in the future. Now go take a long shower and make yourself something nice to eat, k?
Much love to you and your creative mind